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The Type of Sheet Mask- Bio Cellulose

What is ?

Natural fibre with a diameter of 20 nanometers (1000 times thinner than human hair). Paper facial masks are made of “paper-like” material that is soaked in different types of nutrients and ingredients. Bio Cellulose masks are typically priced much higher than paper masks. 

How made ?

The bio cellulose in Bel Mondo facial masks is synthesized through the Acetobacter Xylinum bacteria. The bacteria function like “tiny weavers”, converting (spinning) sugar and other organic substrates into ribbons of pure cellulose that are intertwined into fabrics.

Why good? or bad?

1.Perfect feeting

The material of the Bio Cellulose mask ensures that it fits your face snugly. This ensures maximum contact between your skin and the mask – the essence can penetrate well into every inch of your skin. Paper masks often do not fit your face properly, and as such the skincare products, however good, are not able to deliver its results as effectively

2.Super hydrating

Bio cellulose is extremely hydrophilic (it simply means ‘water loving’). As they can hold large amounts of water within the material itself, it brings large amounts of moisture to your skin. On the other hand, paper facial masks are simply soaked in a variety of skincare products; they cannot hold as much moisture and hence tend to dry out quickly. Paper masks may even take away the natural moisture of your face if you do not remove it from your face before it dries out.

6월 07, 2017 / by / 0 Comments

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